Heated air curtains are always a hot topic (bad pun intended) and as we enter the fall and winter months, it’s time to take a closer look at the benefits of heated air curtains/air doors.
All air curtains create an invisible barrier of air to help maintain indoor temperatures, while preventing the entrance of unconditioned outside air, insects, dust and debris. When heat is added to the air curtain (in the form of electric heat, hot water or steam), the air curtain not only blocks the cold outside temperatures but also infuses heated air into the area closest to the door, which is a notoriously cold and energy inefficient area. The additional heat literally takes the cold from the air, providing supplemental warmth to the door and surrounding space. And that’s not all. Other benefits include:
1. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings
A core advantage of a heated air curtain is the resulting energy savings that can be generated. By preventing the conditioned air from escaping, and by combatting the infiltration of cold outside air, the HVAC system can operate more efficiently. This minimizes the energy consumption required to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. In the long run, this leads to lower heating costs, making heated air curtains a cost-effective solution.
Take a cold Chicago winter and consider the cost savings of a heated air curtain:
- Door size: 7 feet high (84”)
- Door Width: 6 feet wide (72”)
- Open two hours per day, 7 days a week
- Internal temperature: 71 degrees
- This results in an estimated $1,520 a year in energy savings. You can run an analysis for your region by checking out our Cost Savings Calculator.
In areas with high foot traffic such as retail centers, schools and offices, a heated air curtain creates a thermal barrier that allows the doors to remain open without sacrificing indoor comfort or increasing energy bills. A typical payback period of a properly installed air curtain can be less than two years due to the energy savings it creates.

2. Improved Employee Comfort
Whether working, dining, shopping or simply browsing, it is not enjoyable to be hit by an Arctic blast each time a door opens. Maintaining a consistent indoor temperature, especially by a doorway, is crucial for the comfort of employees, customers, and visitors.
Cold employees, unhappy customers, negative reviews, and low productivity can all impact the bottom line. A heated air curtain eliminates this issue by blowing warm air downward, neutralizing incoming cold air.
3. Improved Air Quality
An overlooked benefit of a heated air curtain is its ability to improve air quality by acting as a barrier against airborne contaminants. In colder climates where car and truck heaters are running constantly, air curtains prevent the exhaust from entering a workplace. This is particularly important for delivery and dock doors with considerably larger openings. The heated air curtain creates a barrier that prevents cold outside air and vehicle exhaust from entering.

4. Versatility and Flexibility
Heated air curtains come in various sizes and styles, making them versatile enough to fit different door types and spaces. Whether it’s a small retail shop, a large industrial loading dock, or the entrance to a commercial office, there is a heated air curtain that can be tailored to the space. The Powered Aire line of heated air curtains are available in architecturally focused low-profile units, in ceiling units and industrial units.
Additionally, Powered Aire’s SmartTouch controller enables the user/operator to customize and control key settings such as run time, temperature settings, fan speed, etc. The SmartTouch also pairs seamlessly with onboard temperature sensors that enable the air curtain to be used as a source of secondary heat. Should the temperature drop below a certain level, the air curtain can turn on to provide supplemental heat, even if the door is closed.
5. Dry Floors Equal Safe Floors
If you’re lucky enough to live in climates where shoveling snow is part of the routine, consider that heated air curtains help prevent ice and moisture from building up on the floors around a door, which reduces the potential for slips and falls.
A heated air curtain is a practical solution that provides numerous benefits, including energy efficiency, enhanced comfort, and improved air quality and safety. Whether installed in a commercial, industrial, or residential setting, it’s an investment that offers both immediate and long-term benefits.
To learn more or find the right heated air curtain for your application, check us out here or shoot us an email at Sales@PoweredAire.com