Models for Contactless, Touchless and Curbside Delivery
With the onset of Covid-19 and the tremendous increase in curbside pickup, contactless delivery and touchless ordering, restaurants and retailers are searching for ways to safeguard and streamline the process through which food and merchandise are delivered to customers waiting outside in their cars. These businesses are creating or repurposing side doors, dock doors and even customer entry doors so that employees can deliver goods to customers waiting outside the store.
Many of these delivery doors are located in retail areas where climate and insect control are critical. Air curtains are a simple, effective and affordable way to ensure a comfortable interior while further enabling the touchless delivery of goods to customers in the parking lot. Of added benefit, air curtains will help keep energy costs in check by blocking the entrance of unconditioned outside air, reducing the strain and usage of your HVAC system.
Model EVE
If you’re using/repurposing doors for curbside delivery and the doors are located in retail areas, it’s important to consider both aesthetics and performance. The EVE is a highly aesthetic unit that will effectively separate indoor and outdoor environments. The EVE is available with electric heat and comes in stainless steel, white or black, to further match the building’s interior.

Model MP
The Mini Power (MP) is a go-to unit for contactless delivery. The versatile design for this low-profile machine effectively blocks dust, debris and unconditioned outdoor air. The MP is available with electric heat and can be powder-coated to any color to further match your building's interior.

Model PTW
For restaurants, pharmacies, cafés, coffee shops and other retailers offering contactless drive-thru service, Powered Aire’s Pass Thru Window (PTW) air curtain is powered from a standard 120-volt outlet and a swivel bracket makes adjustments to the discharge angle extremely easy. The PTW easily creates a barrier that blocks outside air, fumes and exhaust from entering through a window.

Model CLD
If you are looking to block unconditioned outside air, fumes, dust and debris from entering during curbside delivery but don’t have enough headroom—or if you simply want the benefits of an air curtain without sacrificing on aesthetics – consider an in-ceiling mount air curtain. The CLD from Powered Aire was designed to fit neatly into a ceiling, completely out of site, but offering all of the benefits of an air curtain.

Model UVCAire
For the ultimate in air sanitizing, germ killing and environmental separation, consider the UVC-Aire. This air curtain utilizes UVC lights to deactivate up to 99 percent of viruses such as the Coronavirus, Flu and common cold. Additionally, this unit offers the traditional benefits of an air curtain to block outside air, dust and debris from entering. It is an ideal solution to safeguard your employees while keeping energy costs in check.
If you already are using air curtains on your delivery doors, consider the UVC-AireXT, an “add-on” extension bracket that easily retrofits to previously installed air curtains. The UVC-AireXT offers all of the benefits of an air curtain with the addition of germ killing UVC light.