Meet the REV - an Air Curtain for Revolving Door Applications

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  • January 19, 2022
  • by Powered Aire

Powered Aire's REV air curtain is a custom-built complement to revolving doors. The REV provides added protection and environmental separation by creating a barrier to block the entrance of cold (or hot) outside air from entering with each revolution of a revolving door. A completely customizable unit, the REV is designed to fit snugly in the overhead space of a revolving door while matching the diameter of the door to create a consistent barrier of air around the entire opening. The nozzle attaches to an air curtain that operates in the header area above the revolving door and the entire unit remains out of sight while providing all of the benefits of an air curtain. Several heating options can be added to the REV, which can run continuously to serve as a source of supplemental heat in climate zones with excessively cold winters. Additionally, the REV blocks dust, debris and fumes from entering. Further customizable, the REV can be powder coated to match the building's interior, making it virtually unnoticeable.

The REV features a stainless steel air curtain with a galvanized extension and nozzle that can be customized to fit aesthetics of door. As revolving doors applications vary greatly, the REV is customized to match the specific measurements for each door, including diameter and overhead space. Each air curtain is designed to work in tandem with the revolving door. It can also be set to run continuously to serve as a source of supplemental heat.

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