Powered Aire, Inc.  Product Data Now Found on MasterSpec

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  • April 09, 2019
  • by Powered Aire

Engineers, architects and specifiers can now look to MasterSpec® for assistance when specifying ‘aire’ curtains by Powered Aire Inc.® into their projects.

This alliance complements Powered Aire’s goal to provide readily accessible information to a fast-paced design world that thrives not only on product performance but ease in acquiring the elements that design professionals need.

Powered Aire Inc.® information, including complete product descriptions, photos, links to data pages, catalog and contact information is available to MasterSpec® subscribers and can be accessed at https://avitru.com/specifications/masterspec/

Powered Aire Inc.® is the leading global manufacturer of stainless steel aire curtains. MasterSpec® a product of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) is published by ARCOM, a producer of software platforms for design professionals.

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