Powered Aire now offering Belimo Valve option on Hot Water & Steam heated Air Curtains

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  • October 23, 2019
  • by Powered Aire

Until now, control valves have been contractor provided for hot water and steam heated air curtains. Now there is an option to specify the air curtain with a factory provided valve, ensuring quality and quick activation.

Hot Water Air Curtain

For air curtains with hot water coils, a fast-acting Belimo three-way hot water valve can be specified. These valves will be completely open within 4 seconds. Slower valves will take longer to provide heat, making them less ideal for air curtain applications. Specifying air curtains with the factory selected Belimo valve eliminates guessing in the field, and prevents the use of slower acting valves.

Air Curtain

Belimo three-way hot water valve

Three-way Diverting Valve Piping Diagram

Factory Sized and Selected

The valves will be sized and selected by Powered Aire and valve control will be incorporated into the air curtain control panel. This allows for heat activation by thermostat, dry contacts, manual or digital controls like Powered Aire’s Auto-PILOT. The air curtain can also be specified with a space heat function for supplemental heat.

Three-Way or Two-Way Operation

For hot water coils, if three-way operation is desired, the bypass port will be used to bypass the coil when the valve is closed to allow the water to flow continuously so that when the valve opens, hot water is available to the coil immediately. If two-way operation is desired, the bypass port can be plugged. However, the water in the line may have cooled while the valve was off and it may take a while for the hot water to become available once opened.

Two-Way Valve for Steam

Steam coils always have steam in the supply line, and only require two-way valves. Two-way Belimo steam valves can now be factory provided as well.


Add the below note to air curtain schedule and spec section:

*Include factory provided, fast-acting Belimo (hot water / steam) control valve.

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