Vestibule Exception Air Curtains
Air Doors can be used to replace vestibules helping to save on construction cost and labor, while freeing up valuable retail space near points of entry.

Architectural Air Curtains
Architectural Air Curtains help blend into the design features of a building while offering the performance attributes of a traditional air door.

In Ceiling Air Curtains
Air Doors can be placed directly into the ceiling, which keeps them out of sight but enables the benefits of temperature separation, insect control and energy savings.

Loading Dock Doors
Fulfillment centers have entire building sides dedicated to shipping and receiving. Air curtains prevent the escape of conditioned air while blocking flying insects and outside air.

Air Curtains for Open Air Dining
Garage and Roll up doors are extremely common and popular in restaurants. Air Curtains help provide the outdoor experience without the unwanted outdoor elements.

Air Curtains for Energy Savings
Air curtains help save on energy costs by reducing the load on HVAC systems. This can result in annual savings of more than $4,000 (savings vary by application/location).

Insect Control Air Curtains
Air doors can be mounted outside when being primarily used as a means of insect control. The powerful barrier of air keeps flying pests from entering food prep areas and clean rooms.

Restaurant Air Curtains
Air Curtains (also known as air doors) can be used in a variety of applications from large industrial doors to neighborhood pizza shops.

Temperature and Environmental Separation
Air Curtains help prevent truck exhaust from entering through busy delivery doors, helping ensure a safer indoor environment for workers.

Insect Control Air Curtains
With the rise of food trucks, ghost kitchens and walk-up dining, air curtains are ideal solutions for insect control without encumbering walk-in/walk-up and pass thru access.

Low Profile Air Curtains
Low profile air doors can be used when space is limited, or design is paramount. These air curtains offer the traditional benefits but are housed in low profile case.

Pass-Thru Window Air Curtains
Drive-thru/Pass-thru windows are a must on coffee shops, fast food restaurants, pharmacies, and other quick serve establishments. Air doors are ideal complements to these windows.

Front Door Air Curtains
Air Curtains on commercial doors are one of the most common applications. They enable unrestricted access while preventing unwanted outside elements from entering.

Cold Storage Air Curtains
In Freezer and Cooler applications, Air Curtains help reduce fog, ice buildup and condensation on and around the doors.

High Traffic Air Curtains
Automatic doors in high-traffic areas will benefit from the air curtain’s ability to prevent dust, exhaust, and outside air from entering, without obstructing pedestrian access.

Delivery Door Air Curtains
In industrial settings, air doors can be found on dock doors, delivery doors, man doors and inter-office doors.

Air Curtain Side Baffles
Side baffles paired with an air curtain help create a complete seal, even if the air curtain must be mounted around an obstacle like a roll-up canister.

Air Curtains for Energy Savings
Air Curtains (also known as fly fans or air barriers) create a barrier of air that prevents conditioned inside air from escaping and unconditioned outside air from enter—helping to reduce the load on HVAC systems.

Garage Roll Up Air Curtains
Restaurants have expanded their dining areas to include patios and open-air seating. Air curtains ensure the “outdoor dining experience” but help prevent unwanted flies and extreme temperatures.

Employee/Side Entrance Air Curtains
Man Doors, side doors and employee entrances can all be sources of cold/hot air infiltration, along with flying insects. Air Doors help prevent this.