Powered Aire’s Wind Sensor - Optimize performance and energy savings

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  • September 07, 2021
  • by Powered Aire

A key function of an air curtain above a door opening is to deflect oncoming wind. It does this by discharging a downward barrier of air each time the door opens. A traditional air curtain is built to produce a specific velocity of downward air that is up to 90% effective in accomplishing this wind-stopping goal. While this percentage is impressive, you can now maximize performance with Powered Aire's Wind Sensor, which detects fluctuations in wind velocity and adjusts the air curtain output accordingly.

How does a Wind Sensor help?

During standard use, an air curtain operates at the same speed - and uses the same power, regardless of whether there is a breeze, a gust, a gale, or no air movement at all. But wind pressure at the door isn’t always the same. One second you can have 5 mph wind pushing at an opening and the next you can have 12 mph.

The result with a single speed air curtain operating at 5 mph is much different than at 12 mph.

In either case, it is better to have an air curtain than no air curtain at all, but efficiency can still be increased. The only way to maximize efficiency at the opening is for the air curtain to automatically adjust airflow based on the wind pressure to provide the desired seal.

This can now be accomplished by incorporating Powered Aire’s WindSENSOR with your air curtain (available in select models). The WindSENSOR incorporates intelligent technology that senses wind speed coming at the door, signaling the air curtain to discharge a velocity (fpm) of air as needed, helping the air curtain to operate at its most effective level at any given time.

To further optimize performance, air curtains with WindSENSOR technology utilize Powered Aire’s own energy-efficient ECo-Motors to provide extremely quick activation times as well as an expansive range of speeds (Models ECE & ECC).

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