The Future in Air Curtain Technology

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  • March 18, 2019
  • by Powered Aire

POWERED AIRE has harnessed the power of electrically commutated (EC) motor technology by creating the ECo-Motor. Designed specifically for air curtain applications, the ECo-Motor produces lightning-fast startup time, significant energy savings, and expansive variable speed control. By combining green technology with an energy-saving product, Powered Aire is changing the way the air movement industry designs, specifies and perceives open doors.

Bringing EC motor technology to the air curtain industry was no easy task. The main issue being lag-time in the startup process. Traditional EC motors clock in between 5-7 seconds between activation and effective operating speed. For air curtain applications where fans are interlocked with the opening of a door and the startup time determines effectiveness, this was simply unacceptable. That is until Powered Aire developed the ECo-Motor, which effectively activates 5-7 times faster than a traditional ECM and twice as fast as a comparable PSC motor. The ECo-Motor offers several other major advantages over PSC motors including:

Measuring Efficiency Graph

  • 2:1 variable speed turn down ratio
  • Runs Cooler, Lasts Longer
  • 40-72% Energy Savings

The ECo-motor can be supplied with the following commercial models: CED, CLD, CHS-HW, CHS-ST, ETD, CHD, THS-HW, THS-ST, TIG, BCE, BCT, ETA, and CHA


Innovation that is dependable, effective, and energy efficient!

View ECo-Moto Models

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