Air Curtain

Ten-Fourteen Door (TFD-ST) Steam Heated Air Curtain


The TFD is typically used over medium sized dock doors, or openings in an industrial environment and is equipped with a steam coil on the intake. TFD units are manufactured in single increments that can be provided up to 14 ft. wide. The TFD has top and bottom access panels to replace or service motors or blowers without lowering entire unit or bottom half of unit. All industrial units are direct drive, which avoids misalignment of couplers and outboard bearings and eliminates periodic belt replacement. The motor/blower plate comes out as an entire piece and all parts on the outside of the unit are constructed of stainless steel.

Unit Sizing

Unit Width:
4' to 14'
1.5 HP
Mount Type:
Max Install Height:
Wind Stoppage Ability:
Installed @ 10’
= 18.2mph

Key Design Features

  • Outer cabinet constructed of 18-gauge 304 stainless steel with #3 finish
  • 1.5 HP TEAO (Totally Enclosed Air Over) direct-drive single-speed motor(s)
  • High-efficiency discharge plenum with adjustable air foil vane (+/-20˚)
  • Top and bottom access panels for servicing and removal of motor-blower assembly
  • NEMA 12 control panel
  • Coil made to AHRI Standard 410
  • Hot water coil comprised of galvanized steel casing, 5/8" copper tube, aluminum fins, and same end supply/return connections
  • Leak tested at 450 psi
  • Single length hot water coils up to 14 ft
  • Single length steam coils up to 10 ft
  • Custom coil selections available (consult factory)

Air Curtain Controls

  • Activation by 24V magnetic door switch
  • Toggle disconnect switch
  • Hand/Off/Auto selector switch
  • Heat On/Off selector switch
  • Digital thermostat
  • Hot water or steam control valve with actuator

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360 View | TFD-ST - Ten-Fourteen Door (TFD-ST) Steam Heated Air Curtain

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TFD-ST Air Curtain | Performance Table
MODEL Nozzle
FPM at
CFM at
mbtu/Hour Temp. Rise (˚F) Weight (lbs)
TFD-1-36ST 36 4500 3108 2331 92.0% 1.2 1 1.5 73 87 90 36 165
TFD-1-48ST 48 4500 3565 2565 94.0% 1.3 1 1.5 76 90 95 34 182
TFD-1-60ST 60 4500 2146 2682 73.0% 1.3 1 1.5 69 82 101 35 165
TFD-2-72ST 72 4500 3108 4662 92.0% 2.4 2 1.5 76 90 179 36 335
TFD-2-84ST 84 4500 2798 4896 92.0% 2.6 2 1.5 79 93 187 35 346
TFD-2-96ST 96 4500 2565 5130 94.0% 2.6 2 1.5 79 93 192 35 360
TFD-2-108ST 108 4500 2332 5247 73.0% 2.6 2 1.5 79 93 205 36 382
TFD-3-108ST 108 4500 3108 6993 92.0% 3.6 3 1.5 77 92 266 35 500
TFD-3-120ST 120 4500 2891 7227 92.0% 3.7 3 1.5 80 95 268 34 516
TFD-3-132ST 132 4500 2713 7461 92.0% 3.8 3 1.5 80 95 ** 526
TFD-4-144ST 144 4500 3108 9324 92.0% 4.8 4 1.5 79 95 ** 665
TFD-4-156ST 156 4500 2941 9558 92.0% 4.9 4 1.5 82 96 ** 681
TFD-4-168ST 168 4500 2798 9792 92.0% 5.0 4 1.5 82 96 ** 692
*Calculation based on spherical free field at 5 ft.
**Contact factory for availability
TFD-ST Air Curtain | Mechanical Information Table
MODEL Overall Width (in.) Nozzle Width (in.) Mounting Width Rear and Top (in.)
TFD-1-36 39 36 37.5
TFD-1-48 51 48 49.5
TFD-1-60 63 60 61.5
TFD-2-72 75.07 72.07 73.57
TFD-2-84 87.07 84.07 85.57
TFD-2-96 99.07 96.07 97.57
TFD-2-108 111.07 108.07 109.57
TFD-3-108 111.15 108.15 109.65
TFD-3-120 123.15 120.15 121.65
TFD-3-132 135.15 132.15 133.65
TFD-4-144 147.22 144.22 145.72
TFD-4-156 159.22 156.22 157.72
TFD-4-168 171.22 168.22 169.72