Powered Aire News & Events

Air Curtains vs. Revolving Doors
3 min. read • Mar 7th, 2019
Let’s face it. Movable things wear out in time; like revolving doors installed in the heyday of downtown department stores. Sooner or later something’s gotta give. Estimates for replacing a revolving door can range anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000 or more - a costly building update in economic times where budgetary belt-tightening has become the norm.
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Case Study: Air Curtain Savings Surpass Customer’s Expectations!
2 min. read • Nov 4th, 2013
A Seattle business with two busy 9 ft. wide x 10 ft. high dock doors was hit with a $2,361 monthly gas bill. Ouch! After installing three air curtains built by Powered Aire Inc., a $1,460 gas bill caused smiles all around. The company could sure put that $901 in savings to use somewhere else, rather than see it float out the doors each time they opened. The company has a wet sprinkler system that…
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